Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Mark 12:35-44

Jesus ends the conflict that began with the triumphal entry and the cleansing of the temple by asking the teachers about the Messiah being a descendant of David but was prophesied by David as being David’s Lord. They knew about this because they had studied carefully the Scriptures. But the religious elite had something blocking their faith. Their guilt was not a problem of ignorance. They clearly knew the Scriptures. It was something much worse. They rejected the Messiah despite from their knowledge of scripture they should have known him. What had gotten in the way?

Jesus warns that the career of religious professionalism was their problem. The life of the professionally religious can have some perks, money, power, and prestige. The professionally religious gets to wear the uniform of the religious elite, they are paid for what they think and have skills so convincing that they can deceive even themselves so that they can justify stealing from widows. On judgment day the worst place will be for the faithless religious leader.

In contrast, Jesus points out the Widow who has so little but gives open-handedly. It is not what she gave (very little) but what she kept for herself (nothing) that was so impressive. This passage shares the theme of “this is greater than that”. First, commitment to Christ is greater than scholarship. Second, simple faith is greater than religious professionalism. Third, real sacrifice is greater than the amount that is given. 

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