Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mark 2:18–28

There are two ways I can choose to live: either by rules or by grace. The outward expression and appearance of these two at times looks similar. They can at times produce nearly identical results. But their origins are totally opposites. For the rule keeper the motivation of a given behavior is to demonstrate how good they are. For a person living in and by grace the motivation for behavior is love for and thanks to God. The behavior may look the same, but that is where the similarities end.

Under the law there was one day of fasting per year for Jews that was required and it lasted from sunup to sundown. Additional fasting occurred but it was a free-will action. The pious Jews practiced twice a week fasting and this was often for show. But even the most stringent, rules keepers recognized that the occasions of great joy trumped fasting. The life of joyous discipleship is able to put fasting in the proper place. 

In the parable of the new cloth and the wineskins, the inflexibility of rule-keeping faith is contrasted to the elasticity of grace. Rules can never keep up with every circumstance of life especially as life becomes more and more complex. There is no way to make enough rules to cover every circumstance of life.  Why was the law, in general and especially Sabbath keeping, given after all? Frankly, we humans are not very good at self-care. The law of Sabbath keeping was given not to worship a specific day.  The Sabbath was given because we would not enjoy God if we were not told to slow down, be still and enjoy God’s company.

The life we are to live is the life of joy because of our relationship with God. It may induce certain behaviors, but those are a byproduct of that life not the object of life. This life of love, grace and joy is flexible and can handle any situation unlike rules and regulations. The objective of what God gives us is to draw us to Him not to keep rules. We must never forget that Jesus is master of everything that is holy.

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