Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mark 4:21-41

Jesus presents three parables; the lamp, the seed growing at night, and the mustard seed. He also addresses our responsibility in the learning part of being a disciple. In verses 22-25 and later in verses 33-34 we see that the student part of being a disciple is very serious. In short, we are responsible for what we have been taught. It is possible for the word to go in one ear and out of the other. The disciple who wants to learn, who studies, who seeks God will grow and will be given new insight, understanding and opportunity. The one who has will be given even more! If we handle the discipline of learning in a sloppy way, what we do have will be taken from us. The learning can be in the simplest things. When we hear the story we can walk away at our current level and there we will remain. But if we want we can meet the Lord privately and take it to the next level. The stories and teaching are not meant to be heard and then ignored, like a lamp under a basket; rather, they are to be studied and considered like a lamp on a lampstand.

 Jesus gives two illustrations of what transpires in our lives.  We can't really understand the how of what is happening in the discipleship transformation.  It is like a seed planted and then begins to grow. We need to appreciate that mystery, but we will never fully understand it. That appreciation is such that we focus on the result, the mature grain at the end. We may not be able to explain why our lives are so changed and sometimes the change is subtle enough that in a single moment we may notice very little, but the difference is ultimately massive and undeniable.   How great is that change? It is as great as the size of a mustard tree when contrasted to a mustard seed. 

How well did the disciples grasp the lesson at that moment? Apparently, they did not grasp it very well. Taking his disciples to the other side of the lake they are caught in the storm. They are needlessly terrified and they came to Jesus (which is always a good plan) and asked for rescue. Jesus rescues them and then calls them “timid” and asked where was their faith. The learning opportunity had arrived.  Not all learning is in a book perhaps some of the best is in life. At verse 41, they asked a great question.   How they ended up processing that question is the point at which they matured.

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