Monday, April 20, 2020

Mark 15:1-15

We would like to make Pilate, like Judas, a monster. We want him to be in some ways completely different from us. If we can make him fundamentally different then we are safe in saying, “I'm not like that.” Pilate is not that all different from the rest of us. His circumstances were at the most pivotal moment in the history of the universe, that was unique. But his flaws, character, actions, and motives are not that of a monster, but of a fallen man trying, by the power of the flesh, to sort his own way out.

Simply put, Pilate’s dilemma was either he do the right thing and protect the innocent man, who was before him because of the envy of the high priest, or cave in under the pressure of the priestly delegation and order the death of an innocent man.  If he opted for the first choice he would have troubles.  He may have to deal with riots or with questions about his loyalty to the emperor.  There would no doubt be a disturbance, which at the Passover might spread into a general rebellion. The strained relationships with the Sanhedrin and others would be further strained.  If on the other hand, he opted for the second choice he would be killing one man, one more person who was innocent of the crime charged, but was a member of a group he and other Romans hated. In terms of the power play of politics it was not even close. Without a personal commitment to the holiness and righteousness the victory will always go to the side that offers the biggest reward.

Pilate is a lot like me.  He may even be like you.

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